The Haberdasher

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Easy There Loosey Brucey

Look big boy, the reason none of us has posted is because none of us has anything relevant to say. Since settling into our dreay, post-collegiate existences, life has taken on the feel of a bad summer rerun. The fact is, we're not doing anything worth posting about. Every day I get up between 10 and 11, eat a bowl of cereal, go to work till 6 or 6:30, come home, talk to my girlfriend, and watch tv and juggle till bed. That's it. I have no job, I have no life. I'll let you know when that changes. Until then, chill Tonto.


Blogger Tauwan said...

Wow. T-rev took the words right out of my mouth. When I am not busy reflecting on "the best four years of my life" and actually doing something with it, I'll get back at y'all, but until then


1:05 AM  
Blogger Bruce said...

Alright, I always thought the point of the blog was to write anything you want (i.e., Tauwan's music reviews, rap battles, commentary on quirky social affairs, etc.), not just updates on what you are actually up to, like what kind of sandwich you had for lunch today. Though that would be nice too.

The public has spoken. However, I am disappointed that the creativity level on this blog has dropped faster than my pants in Mrs. Macomber's bedroom.

Welp... see ya later!

3:44 PM  
Blogger Huck said...

So true. The real work sucks. My life currently consists of going to work at 8 am or so, leaving around 4:30, running til 6, eating dinner, going to the bar, passing out. Not nearly as much fun as bobo and way more expensive(at least I didn't have to pay the 40g a year).

3:58 PM  

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