If there is one thing the French are good at....
Other than making cheese, making wine, and making love (though this last one I cannot personally attest to), it is looking sexy on a bike. Yes indeed, any two-whelled vehicle, motorized or not, will do. Heels required.
I've seen the sexy 2 piece suits (bottom half a skirt, of course), wish distressed hair and fuck me boots on a vespa. I have seen the flirty, frilly skirt with a satiny v-neck top, strappy heels and a bike. I have seen the boring 40 year old office worker in a suit bought at McFrumpy's, with heeled pumps, riding a bike with a grandmother basket in front, looking totally ravishing, simply becaue she is pumping her way up a steep hill.
But seriously, heels and a bicycle makes you about a thousand times more attractive, especially if you manage to ride without looking a fool. And double extra bonus points if there is any kind of skirt involved.
So back to those wheely backpacks. Remember when they were popular because kids were doing too much homework and had these billion ton backpacks that were giving them scoliosis? Apparently they are big here.
I was in town one evening getting some food items at a grocery store, when I noticed a lot of people walking around with these rolly suitcases. I was kind of surprised, but I figured it was the end of the day, maybe all these important people had just come off the train from Paris (or some other important town where important things get done). Until I started seeing full grown adults, at all hours of the day wheeling around these suitcases. Then one day, I saw a colleague at work wheeling one out the door with them on the way home.
Then it dawned on me: not wheely suitcases, but wheely briefcases.
Wheely briefcases = definitely not sexy.
Negative quintuple attractive points for sporting one of those, even if you do ride a bike with high heels.
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