SSSSSS!!! Fire baby!

Yeah I know. Not really a music post, but I felt that I, along with everyone else in the world of blogging, had to weigh in with my two cents and you know what, this movie is, and I quote, "all that and a bag of chips." Drama, suspense, comedy, it's all here and there's a fine balance of laughing with the cast and crew and laughing at them. Another great surprise is the large influx of 'that guy' characters, as in 'that guy is in this movie?' For example this movie has that guy from Will and Grace and Happy Endings, that guy from UPN's One on One, that chick from Clueless the television show, and that guy from Anchorman. [And Kennan from Kennan and Kel is in it doing his usual funny Kennan schtick.] And the glue holding it all together? That would be Samuel L. Jackson who gives a performance that is neither tongue in cheek or over the top, he just brings it and when that infamous line comes near the end you can't help but clap your hands and cheer. [At least that's what I did along with my fellow SOAP audience members. Props must be given to Julianna Marguiles of ER fame for also turning in a fine performance.]Drunk*, stoned*, or sober you will enjoy this movie. Destined to be a classic. And make sure you round up the troops for this one. Definitely one of the best social outings to come along in quite some time.
*If you find yourself drinking before the flick just make sure you actually make it to the theatre. I have friends who bought tickets in advance, who were waiting for quite some time to see the flick. Then Friday rolled around and copious amounts of alcohol were consumed resulting in a fun drunken night that did not include Snakes on a Plane. But don't fret, they did manage to get their money back.
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