Jobs are Stupid
I've been lookin' online for jobs for the last hour or so, and every single entry-level position I've come across that has sounded even remotely promising has listed "leadership" as one of their desired qualities in an employee. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think an unexperienced entry-level employee should be leading anyone. They're at the bottom of the goddamn foodchain and that's where they should be. If companies would stop their arbitrary buzzword masturbation and actually think about what they needed in employees, they'd realize that one of their primary criterion should be the ability--not to lead--but to be led. Get all these bloody go-getters together in one place and nothing's gonna get done because none of 'em are gonna want to take orders from anyone else; they'll think they should be the ones doing the leading. For you proverb lovers out there, it's that whole "too many chiefs, not enough Indians" dilemma. Or at the very least the whole "too many idiots, not enough Trevors" dilemma. Then again, most aspects of life suffer from that second one.
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