I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.

Did anyone else see Paul Reubens on Conan last night? No question about it, this is one weird dude -- he regaled the audience with a story of serving his dad "tea" which was actually water from his toilet -- but I guess I'd be disappointed if the guy who created and played Pee-Wee Herman didn't have a couple of screws loose. Apparently there's been talk of this for a while, but I only learned last night that a new Pee-Wee movie is in the works. (Some sources say two Pee-Wee movies.)
Reubens is in his early 50's, but if Harrison Ford can still play Indiana Jones, I say Pee-Wee is more than prepared for at least one more big adventure. And if the new film is half as good as the original, it'll be fantastic.
Pee Wee's Big Adventure is one of the classic movies of our time. Plus it turns out we are in kind of a Pee Wee renaissance--I think the Playhouse just came out on DVD, and now I hear Adult Swim has picked up the Playhouse and is showing it. ROCK.
Pee Wee Trivia: Rob Zombie was a PA on the original Playhouse.
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